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Students in the Spotlight

By Rachel Kelly


Alec Krishnadasan

Peninsula High School

Sixteen-year-old Alec Krishnadasan just completed his junior year at Peninsula High School. He comes from a family of six, including his doggie (a Rhodesian ridgeback), who has supported him in all his efforts and will continue to do so as he moves forward to a four-year-university.

Exactly which university he’s not yet sure, but somewhere in Southern California at a university that offers pre-med, after which he plans to attend medical school followed by residency. Alec hopes to pursue neurosurgery. “I find the brain so interesting, and I want to help people while pursuing my passion,” he says.

It comes as no surprise then that his favorite subject is science, an interest that fuels his passion for medicine. His favorite teacher has been his AP chemistry teacher, Mr. Stitt, who has been an encouraging and all-around amazing person. All of Alec’s science teachers have been willing to discuss various subjects with him, generally challenging him and encouraging him in his pursuits.

Outside of school, Alec has pursued his interests in sports and the community, earning a letter in both tennis and community service. Tennis he practices most every day and really loves the sport. His community service hours have been thus far spent working with teachers and students at Purdy Elementary. He also participates in the Key Club, National Honor Society and the Knowledge Bowl. During his junior year, he served the school as a student representative on the Peninsula School Board, as well as on ASB Leadership, and will do so again come fall as a senior. He looks forward to being ASB president next year.

Alec is already looking forward to his senior year, and are we! Alec, this is such an exciting time for you. It sounds like you have some wonderful plans! No doubt your family and teachers will continue to support you as you move forward. We wish you the best as you continue to pursue knowledge, using that to care for the people around you. Have a great summer!

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