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Students in the Spotlight

By Rachel Kelly

Grady Johnson, Senior Peninsula High School

Students in the Spotlight

Grady Johnson is an 18-year-old senior at Peninsula High School. When asked his thoughts for the future, he didn’t hesitate. “I plan to attend Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California, and play football there while I earn my degree in mathematics.” That confidence has served him well as he’s maintained a 3.988 GPA while taking 12 honors/college-level classes.

Throughout his academic career, he feels that multiple teachers have had an impact on his life, and he has appreciated that influence. However, he wanted to highlight both Mr. Pratz and Mr. Blair, who taught him that math and English can be fun. He’s enjoyed English, but math is where he truly has found something that he wants to really invest in. Both math and science have applications in daily life, which fascinates Grady. No doubt the intricate complexities of the subjects intrigue him. He has shown real promise in mathematics and is interested in pursuing it as his future vocation. He’s not sure exactly what he wants to do once he gets his degree in mathematics but feels good saying that he would most likely pursue a job as a teacher, actuary or statistical analyst. There’s lots of opportunity in math, so it’s good to have options.

In addition to his impressive academic efforts (12 honors classes!), Grady plays football. After becoming a two-time 1st Team All-League football player, he was selected as team captain this year. In contrast to his active body and mind, he enjoys the easy pace of listening to music, cooking and golfing. At 18, he is already well rounded in who he is as a person, which is one of the many traits that will most likely serve him well moving forward into his next educational endeavor.

This next year will bring new and swift changes, and with it, most likely, some challenges. It’s wonderful that he has already had opportunities to pursue his specific interests, as well as challenge himself with honors classes for college credit. It sounds like he’s ready for whatever life might throw at him. There’s nothing like a solid foundation to bring about strong success, which Grady has in abundance. Good luck, Grady. We’re cheering from the sidelines for you!

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