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Community Harvest Feeding Families for a Brighter Future

2017 #CommunityHarvest Project launches. Learn how easy it is for your company, school, organization to get involved. We'll be updating the video as sponsors are added. THANK YOU to all who have stepped up so far!! The goal is BIG (12,000 weekend meals, for 29 weeks, to help feed 425 local families in need), but working together we can do it!

What is Community Harvest?

Founded in 2016, #Community Harvest is a collaborative initiative to end hunger in our greater peninsula community. Led by the Foundation, the project is part of Make A Difference Day, the single largest national day of community service each year on the 4th Saturday in October. In its first year, the project raised more than $75,000 and provided about 5,725 crockpot meals to help meet the nutritional needs of our community's families.

The Need. The Importance.

Hunger in our community is a significant problem.

An average of 30% of all youth enrolled in our Peninsula schools come from families who meet federal criteria for free or reduced lunches. For many, these are the only meals they receive with any regularity. The translation: About 2,300 children (1 in 4) and 1 in 7 adults across our community struggle with hunger.

The Goal

To secure funds and primary ingredients for more than 12,000 crockpot meals to feed 425 area families - about 1,800 area youth and their families - for 29 weeks. The food will provide nutritious meals for participating families every weekend from November through the remainder of the 2017-18 school year.

How Can You Help?

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