“You are all superheroes. You don’t have to change yourself. You just need to take action and let your love shine through.” – Violet Spataro
If you have ever had the opportunity to meet Violet Spataro, you are left with the feeling that she is someone you will never forget. With a smile faster than a speeding bullet, she is able to melt your heart in a single bound; indeed, Violet has superpowers.
One of Violet’s superpowers is that she used her own cancer diagnosis and treatment to facilitate emotional healing in others. Through Violet’s non-profit, Live Love Foundation, she has been able to deliver Blessing Bundles that bring joy to other children suffering from cancer.
Others have also noticed that Violet is a superhero. Recently, Violet and several other children were featured in the documentary “Look to the Sky.” This film tells the story of everyday superheroes who come in small packages. Director Brett Culp noted, “Our new film ‘Look to the Sky’ is about hope. Hope is the ability to see beyond the realities of the moment and instead see the possibility. It looks past what is and sees what could be. Violet’s journey is one of the purest, most beautiful expressions of this sense of possibility I have ever experienced. In the face of lifelong struggles, she chooses to see the light in circumstances and in people. Her innocent way of sharing that light with the world is an inspiration. I’m a better person after spending time with her, and I think audiences will have that same experience with her in ‘Look to the Sky.’”
Violet’s most well-known superpower is her ability to love others in tangible ways through the gift of giving. “Violet says that her superpower is love. I agree with that statement 100 percent. I see God’s love shine through Violet every day,” said Shenay Spataro, Violet’s mom. “She is an overcomer, encourager, a giver and a best friend to the child she just meets. Violet has a profound and pure love in her heart, and others are drawn to it and to her like a magnet. People write in to us daily to let us know how Violet has inspired them to be more joyful, to persevere and to keep the faith.” Undeniably, Violet is a warrior for joy, and nothing can put out the light within her.
Shenay recounted one of her most memorable experiences that resulted from the delivery of a Blessing Bundle. “Each and every delivery to a child is a very special one. There was a very impactful moment on one of Violet’s Blessing Bundle deliveries this past year. Violet was visiting Masen Lopes, of Gig Harbor, who was battling a brain tumor, anaplastic astrocytoma.
Prior to arriving, Masen’s mom had let us know that he had really been wanting the game Uno Attack, but they had been unable to find it in any of the stores. When I shared this with Violet, she immediately said, ‘We need to find it for him!’ When Violet gave Masen his Blessing Bundle, they opened the game and played it together. They were smiling and giggling, and it was a beautiful moment in time. Masen’s mom later shared with me that Masen had not smiled or sat up in days before that moment with Violet. We were so thankful. Their bond was very very sweet. ”
Look to the Sky premiered at the Tampa Theatre on April 8. This was Violet’s first time seeing herself on the big screen, and she was able, literally, to see the bigger picture of her work. As a result, Violet experienced many emotions. Shenay noted, “She was so happy and excited to see herself on the big screen for the first time. In Violet’s segment, she delivers Blessing Bundles to three children. Two of them have since passed, and she misses them. Seeing some of their moments playing together on screen made her happy and sad at the same time; happy to be able to see them again and sad that they are no longer here with us. That night, Violet told me that she will play with them again someday in Heaven.”
Still, Violet remains committed to her cause because loving others and giving back is her nature. Violet’s Live Love Foundation recently obtained its 501(c)(3) status, and her organization is growing. Shenay reported the good news: “Now, all donations are tax-deductible, and that opens so many more doors for us to receive support and bless more children. Since we began, Violet has delivered or shipped Blessing Bundles to 514 children. Currently, we are averaging at least 10 requests a month.”
But, the best news is, Violet Spataro is now officially a cancer survivor. Violet’s family acknowledges that they could not have done it without the support of those in our community. Shenay concluded, “Gig Harbor is a very special place to live. We have felt so much love and support throughout our hardship of overcoming childhood cancer. Violet has been embraced as a little local celebrity and it is just the sweetest and kindest thing. We are so grateful for our community.”
Haven’t met Violet yet? No worries! Violet regularly stars in appearances on “The Ellen Show” and in her Ellentube original series “Out of the Box with Violet.” She also has plans that include a pilot episode shoot in LA for a new television series and a shoot for a feature film in Montana.
Live Love Foundation is always in need of more donors/supporters so that children’s needs can be met. If you would like to know more, please visit any of the following:
Live Love Foundation website: WeLiveLove.org
Violet’s social media:
Facebook: Violet Brielle Spataro
Instagram: @violetbriellespataro
Twitter: @violetbrielle