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How Broad Band Light can Turn Back the Clock on Your Skin

‘Gene expression of aged skin more closely resembles young skin with the treatments of Sciton Broad Band Light’ By Serina Jones, Owner of Gig Harbor Aesthetics

Broad Band Light

Why BBL instead of IPL?

BBL is an absolute favorite for overall skin rejuvenation by anyone who has had it done and by all who provide the treatment. I’ve been in aesthetics for 23 years and have had the opportunity to use many different lasers to treat different skin conditions, and NOTHING beats the rejuvenating power of Broad Band Light. I often get asked, “Why BBL over IPL?”… Well, I can tell you, based on the science and clinical studies, why BBL is superior to IPL.

It is clinically proven to restore the gene expression in older skin to resemble younger skin. It safely and comfortably delivers exceptional results, leaving skin brighter and healthier. As an industry, to find a clinically sound solution for human anti-aging is critical.

Unlike IPL treatments, BBL is proven to slow, and even stop, the gene expression associated with aging. Regular treatments strengthen the structure and integrity of the skin, improving skin’s tone and texture. Treatments can also reverse damage from sun exposure. You can treat the face, neck, chest, hands— anywhere on the body with BBL. BBL treatments are effective at treating more epidermal concerns than IPL photofacial treatments because of the high intensity of light, the broad range of light waves and the ability to garner more energy to deliver a faster, more precise treatment.

BBL treatments stimulate new collagen generation to reduce fine lines and tighten lax skin. They eliminate the appearance of age spots, brown spots, birthmarks, acne scarring, broken capillaries, blood vessels and more. BBL treatments not only diminish signs of aging, but they improve the health of the skin and can even be used to control chronic conditions like acne and rosacea.

A new study recently published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology shows that Sciton Broad Band Light (BBL) treatments can change the expression of genes associated with the aging process to more closely resemble younger skin. The study supports the hypothesis that regulators of aging can be altered in human skin using BBL technology to provide a functional change, rather than just a cosmetic mimic of youthful appearance. BBL treatments promote the appearance of youthful skin. This study reveals that the appearance of younger skin may be due to the differences observed in gene expression patterns of aged skin becoming more like young skin.

Are you a candidate for BBL?

Your provider will assess your skin and health history to determine if you’re a candidate for BBL. While BBL treatments are safe for some skin types, it’s not recommended for darker skin types or those struggling with certain skin conditions like melasma. We have the Moxi Laser, which is indicated and used on all skin types and those with melasma.

When you’re looking for a provider, do your research. Ask questions about the technology they’ve invested in, visit their office to get a feel for their team, and ask to see before and after photos of their work. Ideally, you’re looking for a practice that invests in ongoing training for their team. They should have the most advanced, proven technology to care for your skin, and you want to feel comfortable and confident in their team of providers. Then set up a consultation to discuss your skin goals.

Gig Harbor Aesthetics is the leader in scientifically backed treatments that are safe and effective. You can schedule a consultation to speak to one of our many educated providers.

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